The Alternative to the Official Narrative!

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Please Read: Daniel was clean and sober when he arrived in Portland, it wasn't until he started getting stalked, followed and had surveillance on him that he got too scared to sleep and started using methamphetamines to stay awake, Meth causes a "Temporary" psychosis, it wears off, Daniel is NOT  a schizophrenic and even if he was he has enough evidence to warrant an investigation and arrests.. He IS clean and sober and has been for months.Check ALL the video from Chicago, Asheville, NC, Greenville, SC, Portland and ALL the Trimet footage, please watch ALL the video from his stay at the River District Navigation Center run by the most potentially corrupt organization in Portland..Transition Projects Inc.! Don't believe the official narrative!!! 

Where the official narrative is always challenged and more likely stories are always presented...


Beginning with Daniel Hoffman, the humble street poet who came to Portland with the intention to be an example of Brotherly Love and Non-attachment, who was quickly turned into an activist out of the necessity to fight for his own and fellow shelter resident's rights, abuses in the system and his personal experience of brutality by the Police Department, the "Sheltered Homeless Advocacy Coalition" (SHAC), the "Homeless Citizens Movement" and now "Portland Alt. Delete" is all we Homeless Citizens and supporters have to rely on to bring Justice to the Poor here in Portland.

We are now growing with hopes to be hundreds and thousands of other homeless and housed citizens who have evidence of corruption and unfair treatment, adding and sharing our personal testimonies that point to the real stories behind the Housing First Initiatives and the sometimes unfair treatment by the homeless providers. We choose not to believe the propaganda being distributed by the media companies aligned with the "A Home For Everyone" (AHFE) and instead rely on our direct experience, personal testimonies and the evidence we collect and share here on this page.

What is the Citizen's Crime Commission? The only Citizens involved are monied-interests from the business alliance and the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and other City and State agencies affiliated to the Portland Business Alliance. Is Bill Furman's Greenbrier and extension of the CIA or other intelligence agencies? Are these the people who have been following this homeless man who was just trying to feel safe and get a second chance? This entire group is unconstitutional!
Are US federal Authorities and Law enforcement trying to suppress Daniel's Free Speech with bogus charges and circumstantial evidence, using his past, simply to hide the truth in his articles? Are they using subpoenas to silence the news media and others regarding the Claims from Portland Alt Delete?  This is exactly an example of why Daniel wrote the "Treatise on Homeless Rights as American Citizens". 

Click here to view this Elitist Agenda at the Citizen's Crime Commission's website:

Why hasn't Multnomah County Central Library responded to this email?

This Just In...

Why are these powerful people fighting a humble street person who just wants to be of service to his community?

Portland's "A Home For Every One" (AHFE) Coordinating Board has had a challenge to Vote Daniel Hoffman as an active member to the board to be a true voice of the street. Daniel had a petition signed by a significant amount of the homeless citizens of Portland and the Board still won't reply! View his speech he read on public record at the last AHFE Coordinating Board Meeting and view the signed petitions!

CLICK HERE to read his SPEECH,  CLICK HERE for Petitions


01/03/20- Daniel had to file another grievance with an AHFE partner. Union Gospel mission. I have heard no response to my request and have aske for the video and audio of the incident. This video will show exactly the every day rights violations and aggressive tactics of threats, coercion and intimidation that we Homeless Citizens face and why their is a need for Homeless Rights to be recognized!


Nothing on this site should be consider as fact instead we hope that the information contained will spur debate over the validity of "Housing First", shed light on all potential corruption in the Portland CoC, challenge the official narratives handed to us from any biased media sources, and promote Justice for the Poor!

We always encourage our readers to do their own research and draw their own conclusions however we feel that the arguments made on this site make a strong enough case for anyone to spring board to the real truth, and we wish you well on your path because the truth will set you free!

Daniel needs our Help!

The Powerful Elitist Profiteers are running a smear campaign trying to convince people that Daniel is a schizophrenic. Daniel has been Homeless on and off his whole life and while he has suffered from Depression, Anxiety, Heart Disease, Kidney Disease, and most likely PTSD after being beat up by the Portland Police Department, he has been seen by dozens of mental health professionals and not once has anyone even remotely suggested that he is a schizophrenic. Daniel is happy to talk to any unbiased mental health professional not connected to the Portland Housing Initiative to prove this point. Also, Daniel has been enjoying clean and sober living for a very long time now and will submit to a drug test at any time. We thank you for your support!

Read what Daniel discovered on his journey across America, CLICK HERE:  Important Truths

"Daniel Hoffman has been sleeping on the Streets and on Mats ever since Transition Projects Inc. kicked him out for simply taking a smoke break! We all believe and know in our hearts (TPI) kicked him out because of his activism and spirituality, and we thank him for continuing his fight towards Justice for the Poor!" -SHAC Members

Daniel doesn't want to cause trouble, he wants to offer solutions... READ Daniel's Alternative to Housing First Philosophy....

"Elevator Economic Theory"

Learn more about EET and the Housing Last Initiative here:

General Concept:  Provide the means to elevate the poor class of society out of poverty while providing more revenue to social programs that benefit the homeless individual's personal pursuit to a higher quality of life.  

Step 1) transfer the current non-profit community (or a large portion) to the expanding senior care market (where they'd receive higher wages) while assisting the retiring baby boomers,  provide more tax revenue as that market is largely privatized and would be paying more state taxes as opposed to the ballooning of social service careers that, because of the 501 3 C status, largely go untaxed hence is noncontributory to the funding of social programs which as the third largest industry in the state may be creating an employment bubble and harm more than help the poor class in the very near future. This Non-profit data was missing from the financial reports discussed by the county and city and I believe must be incorporated to accurately forecast any models of growth or expansion of social programs.

 Step 2) Instead of Housing First, apply those funds towards better social programs such as micro loans for poor skilled tradespeople and individual life plans that support careers in the arts and humanities, this will create and new renaissance of art, music, literature and entrepreneurship expanding from the poor class.

Step 3) Focus corporate subsidies on technological advancement in A.I. and robotics, having the former labor intensive back breaking work of the poor replaced by technological advancement in A.I. and robotics.

Step 4) worry less about creating more housing and put more emphasis on replacing the shelter system with Healing Centers, that promote the above programs and provide for the emotional and psychological healing from the trauma involved in long term chronic homelessness.

This theory provides a win for every class, and each class must make a slight adjustment for it to work however if the theory proves true I believe would put our community light years ahead of others.

Daniel has asked Dr. Marisa Zapata  from PSU's Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative (HRAC) to assist Daniel by offering him a workspace and help finish the research to develop a working model of his theory, to date Daniel has heard no reply but is hopeful and is inviting all Universities to collaborate on this project with him. You can reach Daniel at

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has refused to reply to Daniel's request for a meeting, is he hiding something?


Is the Sarasota County CoC working with the Portland/Gresham/Multnomah County CoC to suppress Daniel's Rights and these potential allegations from getting out to the public, Is Sarasota County assisting in a conspiracy to cover up the attempted murder of Daniel Hoffman? Daniel reached out to his old friend and ex-coworker, Christian Ziegler, who is now a Sarasota County Commissioner and on the Board Of Directors for Career Source Suncoast (a large recipient of CoC public dollars), on LinkedIn, we know his LI account is connected to his mobile phone, why didn't Christian report these crimes or reach out to help Daniel? Did Daniel mis judge Christian as being someone to put ethics over money?

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